Thursday, November 27, 2014
Monday, November 10, 2014
Cell Analogy Project Ryan Keeney Per. 5
By Ryan Keeney
Thursday, November 6, 2014
How does your garden grow
Our plant is growing bigger everyday thanks to cell division and photosynthesis. Our plant uses the energy it gets from photosynthesis to divide its cells using mitosis. The enzymes important in photosynthesis are, Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. Say the plant doesn't have enough of these enzymes to live successfully. First the DNA would be read and copied by a helicase. The new strand of RNA will find a ribosome that will read it. The ribosome reads the codon which tell it exactly what amino acids to connect to each other. This strand of new amino acids can be anything but in this case they are the enzymes we need for photosynthesis.
How Does Your Garden Grow?
by Ryan Keeney
1. Photosynthesis is the process in which a plant uses sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen, which is released, and carbohydrates such as glucose which are used to store chemical energy. Cellular respiration then uses this stored energy to form ATP, and also releases waste products. This ATP is then used to drive several important chemical reactions, including those used to facilitate cell division. Mitosis is what actually creates new biomass to add to the structure of the plant.
2. When a signal is sent to the nucleus to produce PEPC and RuBisCo, the cell would first transcribe the gene into mRNA with an RNA polymerase. The RNA polymerase bonds to the DNA strand, unravels it, and makes a complementary copy of one of the DNA strands into an RNA strand. The strand of mRNA finds a ribosome, which reads the first codon of the strand and finds the correct amino acid. It then moves on to the next codon and finds the next amino acid, stringing it to the first one. When it reaches the stop codon, the chain breaks off, and the enzyme, in this case PEPC or RuBisCo, breaks off and goes into the cell.
1. Photosynthesis is the process in which a plant uses sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen, which is released, and carbohydrates such as glucose which are used to store chemical energy. Cellular respiration then uses this stored energy to form ATP, and also releases waste products. This ATP is then used to drive several important chemical reactions, including those used to facilitate cell division. Mitosis is what actually creates new biomass to add to the structure of the plant.
2. When a signal is sent to the nucleus to produce PEPC and RuBisCo, the cell would first transcribe the gene into mRNA with an RNA polymerase. The RNA polymerase bonds to the DNA strand, unravels it, and makes a complementary copy of one of the DNA strands into an RNA strand. The strand of mRNA finds a ribosome, which reads the first codon of the strand and finds the correct amino acid. It then moves on to the next codon and finds the next amino acid, stringing it to the first one. When it reaches the stop codon, the chain breaks off, and the enzyme, in this case PEPC or RuBisCo, breaks off and goes into the cell.
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Our plant has gotten bigger thanks to mitosis, photosynthesis, and respiration. The plant receives the energy it needs from photosynthesis. This energy comes from the sun and glucose is eventually created. The energy created by photosynthesis is then used to start the cell division where the cells divide into new daughter cells. This process is known as mitosis. This will add biomass as the cells will be creating more duplicates and adding to the original form of the plant. Respiration is where the energy is released from photosynthesis.
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) would be produced a lot for photosynthesis. These enzymes are categorized as proteins. The information for their creation is in the DNA. First the DNA is unzipped, a complementary copy is made, and then the ribosomes set off to work to look at the codons and add the correct amino acids. Then when the stop is reached, the enzyme is sent off to start work.
Peroxidase Enzyme Lab
Helen Hills Per 5
Peroxidase Enzyme Lab

Peroxidase Enzyme Lab
How do abiotic or biotic factors influence the rates of enzymatic reactions (chemical reactions that are assisted by enzymes)?
By doing this experiment we hope to find the effect that different pH levels have on the rate of the decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide. To do this we are going to use grass as our enzyme extract, hydrogen peroxide, and four solutions with different pH’s.
Hypothesis: By adding an acidic solution we believe the decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide will be accelerated.
Independent Variable: The independent variable is the pH caused by the acidic and basic solutions
Dependent Variable: The dependent variable is the decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide
Controlled Variables: The controlled variable is the amount of the bindweed vine and hydrogen peroxide
Justification of hypothesis: Acidic solutions can accelerate decomposition so by adding an acidic solution the decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide will be increased
Materials :
- 5 grams of freshly picked grass
- Digital balance (scale)
- Mortar and pestle
- 12 mL Distilled water
- 3 100-liter plastic beakers
- 5 mL syringe
- 2 1 mL syringes
- 1.5 mL Hydrogen peroxide
- 1 Paper towel square (for filtration)
- 5 glass test tubes
- Test tube rack or holder
- Small plastic ruler
- Safety glasses
- .2 mL Hydrochloric acid solution pH 2-3
- .2 mL Hydrochloric acid solution pH 3-4
- .2 mL Sodium hydroxide solution 10
- .2 mL Sodium hydroxide pH 12
- pH test strips
We plan to mix hydrogen peroxide with the grass and then make separate mixtures with an acidic or basic solutions added to each. We then plan to take note of the changes of the decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide in each mixture
- Measure out 5 grams of the grass
- Measure out 10 mL of water
- Use the mortar and pestle to mash the grass with the water
- Filter the water and grass solution through a paper towel into a beaker
- Pour 1.5 mL of the grass and water solution into 5 separate test tubes
- Check pH of Hydrochloric acid and Sodium hydroxide
- Label the tubes A, B, C, D, E
- Measure out 1.5 mL of hydrogen peroxide
- Out .3 mL of hydrogen peroxide in test tube A
- Put .2 mL of water in test tube A
- Use timer and ruler to check level at beginning, after 5 seconds, after ten seconds, and after 15 seconds
- Put .3 mL of hydrogen peroxide in test tube B
- Put .2 mL of Hydrochloric acid pH 2-3 in test tube B
- Follow step 10 with test tube B
- Put .3 mL of hydrogen peroxide in test tube C
- Put .2 mL of Hydrochloric acid pH 3-4 in test tube C
- Follow step 10 with test tube C
- Put .3 mL of hydrogen peroxide in test tube D
- Put .2 mL of Sodium hydroxide pH 10 in test tube D
- Follow step 10 with test tube D
- Put .3 mL of hydrogen peroxide in test tube E
- Put .2 mL of Sodium hydroxide pH 12 in test tube E
- Follow step 10 with test tube E
- Compare results for each tube
Data and Results:
The data shows in this experiment the control had a final measurement of 3.7 cm, Hydrochloric acid of pH 2-3 had the final measurement of 4.6 cm, and Hydrochloric acid 3-4 had the final measurement of 5 cm. Then surprisingly, the Sodium hydroxide of pH 10 had the final measurement of 5.5 cm and the Sodium hydroxide had the final measurement of 4.5 cm. From this data it can be concluded that the tubes with the pH 3-4 and pH 10 produced the greatest change. This is a very surprising result considering that the enzymes we were told about had to be kept at a certain pH to work. The enzymes we learned about had to be in a certain pH to work correctly which is usually the pH of about 7 to 9. However I did some research and found out that unlike most other enzymes, plant-based enzymes can work in a wider range of different pH substances. In addition to this, they can work in a larger range of temperatures than animal enzymes can. This explains why the acidic and basic substances still reacted the way they did. In all of our trials the experimental substances rate of decomposition was more or equal to the control. This does not however explain why the more basic solutions still had faster rates. However in all of our trials this was consistent.
We had multiple problems that arose with this experiment. When we first came up with the measurements for the amount of substance we should put in each test tube we overestimated. So, when my partner and I finally conducted the experiment, the substance bubbled over the sides. This actually occurred multiple times as we tried to find the correct measurements that would not cause the substance to react this way. The other issue we had was when we ran out of time and ended up using two different batches of bindweed for one experiment. This introduced a completely new variable. The reactions for the substances were very different because of this. Another problem we ran into was when we ran out of bindweed and had to use the grass as a substitute. When we did this, we had to change the measurements yet again to suit the needs of the different plant.
To improve this experiment, it would be a good idea to use a plant that is growing in really large quantities in the garden. We could use more of the grass like my partner and I did in our experiment. There was not enough bindweed for all students to have the correct amount that they needed for their experiments. I also think it would be beneficial to the students doing the experiments to do at least two trials with the same measurements. By did this we would be able to compare the results and notice any mistakes we made in the different trials.
Now that the experiment is finished I would like to know why the more basic substances acted the way they did. The average pH needed for plants enzymes are 3 to 9. However, the sodium hydroxide solutions had the pH or 10 and 12. So if I were to do this experiment again I would like to find the answer to this problem. I would also like to see how the temperature affected the solutions.
Peroxidase Enzyme Lab Report
By Ryan Keeney and Marie Coates
The purpose of this experiment was to test the effects of abiotic factors on the reactivity of hydrogen peroxidase, an enzyme present in all aerobic cells. This particular experiment tested the effects of different pHs on the enzyme's reactivity.
Our hypothesis was that if the pH is raised, then it will speed the reaction of the enzyme, and that lowering it would cause the reaction to slow. We chose this hypothesis because data which was already available indicated that this was true.
Independent Variable: pH of enzyme solution
Dependent Variable: Amount of gas produced by reaction
Controlled Variables: Concentration of enzyme, temperature of enzyme, amount of enzyme, amount of substrate, amount of hydrogen peroxide,
Materials used:

From the data that we gathered, we can infer that raising the pH of the enzyme caused the enzyme to produce more gas faster. We can also infer that the enzyme’s reaction rate is lowered by decreasing the pH, which seems to support our initial hypothesis. Unfortunately, the data may not be completely accurate, as we were not able to perform as many trials as we would have liked to. If we were to repeat the experiment, we would try to perform more trials. Another issue was the fact that even though we followed the same procedure, the concentration of the extract may not have been quite consistent. Both the unreliability of the concentration of the extract as well as the measurement of gas through the height of the bubbles produced may have also affected the data.
The purpose of this experiment was to test the effects of abiotic factors on the reactivity of hydrogen peroxidase, an enzyme present in all aerobic cells. This particular experiment tested the effects of different pHs on the enzyme's reactivity.
Our hypothesis was that if the pH is raised, then it will speed the reaction of the enzyme, and that lowering it would cause the reaction to slow. We chose this hypothesis because data which was already available indicated that this was true.
Independent Variable: pH of enzyme solution
Dependent Variable: Amount of gas produced by reaction
Controlled Variables: Concentration of enzyme, temperature of enzyme, amount of enzyme, amount of substrate, amount of hydrogen peroxide,
Materials used:
- 5-10 grams of freshly picked bindweed
- Mortar and pestle
- Distilled Water
- 1 mL Syringe
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- A paper towel square (for filtration)
- 10 Glass Test Tubes
- Test Tube Rack/Holder
- Safety Glasses
- pH Test Strips
- 2 mL of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide
- Ruler
- Tape
- Stopwatch
- Use mortar and pestle to grind bindweed + 25 mL of distilled water until bindweed is completely ground
- Filter out bindweed extract with paper towel
- Attach ruler to test tube with tape
- Mix 1 mL of enzyme with 1 mL of pH solution in test tube
- Add 1/2 mL of hydrogen peroxide
- Measure height of bubbles produced by reaction over time
- Repeat using other pH solutions and water
Control Trial 1(in seconds)
Control Trial 2 (in seconds)
HCl Trial 1 (in seconds)
HCl Trial 2
(in seconds)
NaOH Trial 1
(in seconds)
NaOH Trial 2
(in seconds)
| |
1st mm
2nd mm
3rd mm
4th mm
5th mm
In the experiment, the enzyme mixed with sodium hydroxide had the fastest reaction and produced the most oxygen gas. The enzyme mixed with the hydrochloric acid had the smallest reaction, and barely reached 1 millimeter of bubbles. The control trials had one of the quickest reactions, but they did not produce over 4 mm of oxygen gas. They all reached one millimeter within around the same amount of time, but the data points split off significantly afterwards. The acidic enzyme solutions petered out, while the control and sodium hydroxide had around the same reaction speed until around 3 mm, where the data points split off again. Overall, the enzyme mixed with the NaOH solution had the highest bubbles at 5 mm.
From the data that we gathered, we can infer that raising the pH of the enzyme caused the enzyme to produce more gas faster. We can also infer that the enzyme’s reaction rate is lowered by decreasing the pH, which seems to support our initial hypothesis. Unfortunately, the data may not be completely accurate, as we were not able to perform as many trials as we would have liked to. If we were to repeat the experiment, we would try to perform more trials. Another issue was the fact that even though we followed the same procedure, the concentration of the extract may not have been quite consistent. Both the unreliability of the concentration of the extract as well as the measurement of gas through the height of the bubbles produced may have also affected the data.
Enzyme Lab Worksheet
Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that the acidic solution will speed up and increase the process, thus creating more bubbles.
Independent Variable: The pH level of the solution and the amount that we add to the bindweed solution.
Dependent Variable: The amount of bubbles produced by the mixture once the hydrogen peroxide is added.
Controlled Variables: Amount of the different solutions and the acidity of them that we add.
Justification of hypothesis: The low pH level burns skin so I thought it would kill the enzymes.
Why did you choose this as your hypothesis?
Materials (Your Team’s Experiment): test tube, metric ruler, stopwatch (iphone), bindweed, hydrogen peroxide, sodium hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide, water, mortar and pestle, 1 milliliter pipettes, beakers.
- Mash up one handful of bindweed with 30 ml of water in a mortar and pestle
- filter using a paper towel into a separate glass, throw away paper towel
- tape ruler, metric side, to test tube
- extract 1 ml of bindweed solution into test tube
- extract .7 ml of hydrogen peroxide into same test tube
- observe bubbles and and time the rate of formation
- record information
- with a new test tube repeat steps 1-4
- add .5 ml of hydrochloric acid to the bindweed solution
- repeat step 5-7
- with a new test tube repeat steps 1-4
- add .5 ml of sodium hydroxide to bindweed solution
- repeat steps 5-7
- write out lab report
- clean up lab space
Summary: When we tested all of our different solutions, we realized that the control actually created the biggest reaction and the most bubbles.
Data and Results:
Conclusions: My hypothesis was wrong neither variable created more bubbles.
Enzyme Lab Final Report
Height-mm | Control | HCI pH 2-3 | NaOh pH 10 | HCI pH 3-4 | NaOH pH 12 | H2O pH 7 |
time | ||||||
5 sec | 5 | 0 | 6 | 1 | 21 | 5 |
10 sec | 10 | 1 | 10 | 3 | 24 | 10 |
15 sec | 13 | 5 | 15 | 6 | 26 | 13 |
20 sec | 15 | 8 | 19 | 9 | 28 | 15 |
25 sec | 16 | 9 | 23 | 11 | 29 | 16 |
30 sec | 18 | 10 | 25 | 12 | 30 | 18 |
35 sec | 19 | 11 | 27 | 19 | ||
40 sec | 19 | 12 | 30 | 19 | ||
45 sec | 34 | |||||
50 sec | 34 | |||||
55 sec | 36 | |||||
60 mec | 38 | |||||
65 sec | 40 | |||||
70 sec |
Our hypothesis ended up being wrong because the reactions varied. There was no specific answer on whether the more acidic or basic pH made the control react faster. Some acids helped react fast but also some more basic pH’s worked faster.
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