Friday, January 16, 2015

Gattaca essay

Science Gattaca Essay
       Scientist are debating genetically modifying trees so they grow faster and absorb more carbon to solve global warming. This idea is a good one for multiple reasons.
     If we modify trees to grow faster, than we can plant more and have them grow over unused land.  We would then be able to rebuild the rainforests which will then help diminish extinction of species.  The growth rate really affects our lumber industries too.  These factories can't clear cut so they have to wait while more trees grow and then cut them which takes years.  With faster growing trees we can cut more often and not worry about destroying ecosystems.  
    If the trees are able to absorb more carbon we can slow global warming and produce more oxygen.  We can save our planet slowly but efficiently.  The trees would prosper and thrive and species will blossom.  We never really get back the ozone but we can stop destroying it.  Also the planting of these trees affects everywhere even the melting ice caps.  If these trees stop global warming and the Earth goes back to the way it was before, we can save the ice caps and the animals living there.
    There is a downside. With genetically modified trees there could be a disease that could go through and kill them all and destroy all life on Earth.  Also with trees that absorb more carbon and produce more oxygen that can create more oxygen than needed and affect everything and may even kill.  If our carbon level goes back to normal but the trees still absorb more than those levels will drop and cause problems in the world.  
   Genetically modifying trees is a good idea but has some downfalls.  We can save the world but also destroy it.

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