Friday, January 16, 2015

Gattaca essay

Divina Rodriguez
Honors Biology
13 January 2014
According to Vincent, discrimination against degenerates like him is racism or classism. "It’s illegal to discriminate on the basis of genetics genoism it’s called ,but no one takes the laws seriously." Likewise, the genetically unenhanced are referred to by derogatory names, such as "faith births”,”God children" or the official term, "in-valids." In-valids who illegally use the genetic profiles of "valids",the genetically enhanced, are called "de-gene-erates" or "borrowed ladders." Meaning this caused some challenges for Vincent.
Several scenes portrayed physical barriers that illustrates the obstacles GATTACA’s society places in the path of degenerates. One scene shows the new "glass ceiling" that exists. This ceiling represents genetic discrimination that  is illegal but openly practiced. Vincent, who’s "borrowed ladder" status as Jerome could only get a job as a janitor at Gattaca. This is shown when Vincents face pressed against a window looking up at the valids who work inside as they rising escalators. Similarly, Vincent is often shown gazing up through a skylight as Gattaca’s rockets skyward, leaving him forever below.
These glass barriers materialize the challenges faced by Vincent, who should legally be able to work on the inside but is shut out due to the discriminatory practices of GATTACA’s society. Despite the fact that he has studied hard and is mentally prepared for the job, "the best test score in the world wasn’t going to matter unless I had the blood test to go with it”.
Discrimination against the in-valids shows that genetic descrimination is the true problem of the world. In this case, the genetically enhanced should always perform better than the genetically unenhanced and genetic discrimination is justified.

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